Netflix Addiction

There is no denying the fact that I have a problem. My friends know it, my family knows it, everyone I encounter knows it (OK maybe not everyone, but you get the point).

I am a Netflix addict.tumblr_n1iakijEdq1s8na7jo1_1280

I’m addicted to watching love. I’m addicted to watching friendship. I’m addicted to watching heartache, and lust. I’m addicted to watching family. I’m just addicted to it all.

At any given time, you will find me looking for a new show to watch, or binge watching something, not moving from my bed for hours at a time. This is a problem. I just love the invention of Netflix. At any given time, you can log in to this marvelous website, search the vast amount of television shows or movies they have, and just dive into a world outside of your own.  Can you tell I’m single yet?

Did you know that in 2015, 42.5 hours were logged streaming shows or movies on Netflix? That is a lot of Grey’s Anatomy or Making a Murderer, if I do say myself.

Before Netflix, I barely watched TV, or even movies on my own free time. I’d spend it doing homework, or taking naps. Now, that is not the case, as I have the “one more episode” blues, keep myself up until 2 a.m. finishing a season.  Yes, we’ve all been there, don’t lie to yourself… I purposefully fit time into my day to catch up on my shows. By ‘catch up’, I mean nothing. I am not catching up to anything, I am binge watching.

It’s not that I need to watch television, it’s that I get SO invested in the plot-lines of the shows I watch, that it is too addicting to stop. Don’t think for a second I haven’t tried to get to sleep at a reasonable time, but had to finish watching what happened to Nathan and Lucas Scott and the rest of the Tree Hill Ravens in One Tree Hill, or a surgery done by Meredith Grey in Grey’s Anatomy. I just can’t stop.

I live vicariously through the shows I watch—the love scenes, the happy friend groups, the confidence of main characters.

I love my life, trust me, I do; but sometimes it’s fun to live in the eyes of a show and see what they see. (Yes, I know they’re fictional, but come on, so is Santa Claus and we still believed he was real for 8-10 years of our lives).

The $7.99 I pay a month for the unlimited amount of hours and streaming I do is completely worth it, and some may beg to differ, but don’t argue with me—I’d pay that any day for like 45 minutes of joy.

At this point, you may be thinking I don’t have a life. That’s not completely true—I do. I mean, at this point in the year, with it being winter and all, I’d much rather stay in on a Thursday night and watch Friday Night Lights, than go out and face the lights, the bar scene, and money I’m about to spend on vodka sodas.  It all seems so pointless when you have a nice warm bed, and a TV.  Some people may say that the life of a college senior won’t be here forever, and that I should always go out when I have the chance, but that person must not realize that binge watching Netflix forever isn’t going to be acceptable either; come on people get with it.

I always have a show to watch—you should see “My List” category on my profile; it is endless. I show hop from one to another, with no shame in the world. After a show I will feel denial (yes, I’m still thinking about you OTH), but not for long. Not wtumblr_mzsn1kDZD21tq4of6o1_250hen 61% of Netflix users binge watch shows anyways.  We’re all in this together, *cue HSM and Troy Bolton.

Share your password; everyone is doing it. Let others enjoy the pure satisfaction of binge watching your favorite drama show. Or get together and watch it together; everyone’s heard of ‘Netflix and Chill’, right?

OK, if you didn’t get it yet, I’m single (and it’s OK, because there is Netflix) *praise hands emoji*

xxx- Meghan


Single on Valentine’s Day? No Problem

If you’re single on Valentine’s Day, you might think it is the worst thing in the world, right? You think about all your friends who have significant others, and listen to them brag about the dinner plans they have, or the night they have planned. It might suck, but trust me, it is not that bad—You will get through it, like I have.

I’m weird. I am single, and I still love Valentine’s Day for the most part. I mostly love the color pink, and I looove chocolate. I love, love too. I don’t think all single people need to mope around about the woes of being single—like stop and be happy please. It is supposed to celebrate all types of love.

Now if you are newly single, or have been single, you might want some things to do on the day that Cupid stabs everyone with those damn arrows. Here are some ideas:


  1. Wine Night Was the absence of wine even a question? It shoulwinedn’t have been. Wine is essential to being single on Valentine’s Day. Get all the single la
    dies out and drink that Cab Sauv, or Rose. You deserve it—all of you!
  2. Treat yourself to a Spa Day Have you ever gotten a massage or facial? Well screw the ‘Couples Massage’ and get yourself an appointment at your nearest spa. Alone time isn’t always great if you are newly single, but trust me, you’ll forget about most of your Valentine’s Day blues. Just recently, I got my first massage ever at Massage Envy, and let me tell you, it was heaven! Make yourself feel special and get pampered.

If you can’t afford a Spa Day, go out to a store like Walmart or Target and get          yourself a ‘do it at home’ face mask, whip out your favorite nail polish, and get to pampering. Face masks go for under $5.00 and my favorite is Freeman Feeling Beautiful Avocado & Oatmeal Facial Clay Mask—I go through at least 4 tubes a year.

  1. Girls Night In This can go along with number 1, or you can set up a night with your girls and watch cheesy movies. Let’s face it; you’ll probably need wine anywayssleepover Get into your coziest sweater and sweats, break out the Ben and Jerry’s and popcorn, and turn on your fav movie. I may be too cheesy because I actually LOVE watching the movie Valentines Day  on the day of love. Kick back, relax, and stay in—face it, you need Chocolate Therapy ice cream in your life.
  2. Do Something Drastic – I mean it. It could be anything, being drastic is different for everyone. Dye your hair, get a piercing, or go on an adventure across town (or to a different state…Valentines Day is on a weekend this year). Whatever it is, make it give you that natural high—trust me it’ll be worth it.
  3. Buy ALL the 50% off Chocolate the Day After- OH MY GOSH. The year I realized this tradition was a thing was the best year of my life. The day after Valentines Day, every drug store will put the Valentine’s Day candy on sale for 50% off. That means all the chocolate you can possibly imagine for an extremely low price. I go hard on 50% off, and I have no shame. Maybe we can start getting liquor stores to start doing this too…


Well people, there you have it. If you’re feeling down about being single, or just downright hate Valentine’s Day, turn it into something more fun than sulking around or crying your eyes out to The Notebook. Trust me, your true love is out there, but for now your true love is Sunset Blush Franzia and that is OK.

Happy Valentine’s Day, lovers!

xxx- Meghan


I’m newly twenty-one, having fun, and living life– but all of this has a catch. 2016 brings the year of changes for my life and I’m not sure about how I feel about it yet.

Four years ago, I thought ‘twenty sixteen’ seemed so damn far away, but I was wrong. I was a young freshman (no really, I am kind of young for my class) in college, with not a care in the world, never thinking about the idea of someday. Now as a senior, someday is basically here, and life is about to really begin.

Twenty-one has brought twenty-fun, and in the short time I have started my twenties, like really starting my twenties, I’ve learned a lot as I have gone along. I write this blog in hopes to express my not-so secret tips on life, my successes, my failures, my ‘I need to blog about it’ moments, and I hope to share these with all of you. I’m excited; really, I even named my blog after myself (I was told that is a very adult thing to do).

So, as I write, I will try to find the meaning of “adulting.” Have you ever heard of this word? I think my friends and I might have made it up when talking about the act of being an adult. I used italicization because I think that’s the definition we came up with as well. I’m not sure if I’m ready for adulting, but each and everyday I come across something more mature than my being, and I take that as a sign I need to start.

Do I need to get an oil change? Probably. When do I start doing my taxes? Never (just kidding mom and dad). Do I really need this pair of $45 shoes? No. How long can I get away with paying the minimum on my credit card? AHHH, make the question stop. Yea, I am so not ready for adulting, but I am going to try, and you are going to watch me.

Here goes the rest of the journey– to infinity and beyond. (I forgot to mention I’m a total Disney nerd…)


xxx- Meghan